Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Daybook

Outside My Window

It's dark and chilly. I've stayed up late to see M off to work and work on a Christmas stocking.

I am Listening to

the heater run and NCIS LA playing on the television.

I am Wearing

A comfy gray cable knit sweater and black lounge pants. I am ready for bed.

I am so Grateful for

I am so grateful for my family and so much more. I am truly, truly blessed.

I'm Pondering

the role of wife, mother and being a daughter and how they all fit together.

I am Reading

Meridon by Philippa Gregory. It is part of the Wideacre Trilogy. I've much enjoyed reading the series and I am looking forward to having the chance to finish this last one.

I am Thinking

Many many things. Christmas, Advent, an upcoming trip in the new year home for a wedding. About the nature of those we love and that they can the most difficult parts of our lives. Of all the progress Captain has made in his therapies.

I am Creating

A Christmas stocking for my newest niece.

Towards a Real Education

Working with Captain to further his language. Each day he seems to pick up a new word. His speech therapy is going fantastic.

Towards Rhythm and Beauty

Prepping the house for Advent season. It's just us this Holiday season but I want our home to glow with joy- even if it is just for us.

To Live the Liturgy

I am prepping for the start of Advent on Sunday and for St. Nicholas Feast Day. I want to bring our faith alive for my little ones.

I am Hoping and Praying

For my friend Cher- who along with her 2 little ones is celebrating their first holidays without Husband/Father.

For M and our family that we hear good news back from the Officer board.

Around the House

It's a mess and in need of organization.

From the Kitchen

Banana bread, apple pies, pumpkin- lots of pumpkin, turkey,'s the holidays so there is lots of goodness in the kitchen

One of My Favorite Things

Waking up to the smiles of Trumpet in the morning and his warm body snuggling in my arms as we sleep.

Captain this week

He is doing fantastic in his therapies. Some of his new words are: yogurt, more, his therapist name (this makes me a little sad as he hasn't said mommy yet) and purple.

He willingly put a tooth brush in his mouth and brushed his teeth multiple times this week- which is huge for him.

Trumpet this week

He is still working on those top 4 teeth. He has started standing solo- so its only a matter of time before he starts walking. He is a great cruiser and has gotten really fast via crawling.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week

Thanksgiving Dinner
Ordering the last Christmas present
Working on Christmas stocking
Put up outdoor decorations and dig out Advent stuff.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Home Organization

5 moves in 3 years has taken its toll on our home organization. The other night M asked me what happened to the person he meet who was super organized.....that's a good question. The answer is simple....its hard to be organized when your environment isn't organized. So, that is my goal going into the New Year. I want to re-organize and sort through everything.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Night!

It is a great night! I feel giddy with the results that are in so far and have stayed up way later then I ever attended to! Democrats lost control of the won't be a free ride for the Obama agenda anymore!